Why Defensive Response Tactics

by Founder Matthew J. Numrich, M.A.

I created this program out of a need to organize the most important information that law enforcement needs to know when faced with a threatening situation. Being a self-defense student and now a defensive tactics instructor, has filled my mind with so many techniques, concepts, principals, ideas, drills, and training methods over the last two decades. This is the case with many other training officers and defensive tactics instructors as well. Unfortunately, many pass on a heap of disorganized information onto their students (officers), which leads to either “paralysis of analysis” or disinterest in the particular program.

My first tools to overcome this information overload was to create and teach this program’s information in a simple and progressive format, where there is minimal information to learn, and each lesson (set of techniques) is built upon the previous lesson. I cut out as much of the defensive jargon as possible, and use regular terms wherever I can, always relating back to the functional uses in an … officer’s or agent’s job..

My objective is direct: Teach law enforcement the bare minimum for maximum efficiency with maximum effectiveness. This results is minimal training time and minimal maintenance. A secondary result is that training costs are kept low, and actual training time is kept minimal, taking the officer / agent out of their regular duties for a very short amount of time.

The final point I’ll make, is making sure the administration, officers and the community know that this program keeps three people safe: Citizens, officers and threats (perpetrators), that that order. The tactics I teach are meant to keep citizens who get involved in violent situations safe, while officers fully protect themselves, but also respond to threats with the necessary minimal amount of force. In this day and age of legalism and video cameras everywhere, it is a necessity to have focused training which protects the officers/agents and the department.